Workshops on Managing Family Businesses for PAAPAM in Lahore & Karachi

The Center for Executive Education at IBA, Karachi hosted two one-day workshops with the Skill Development Centre of Pakistan Association of Automotive Parts & Accessories Manufacturers (PAAPAM) on "Managing Family Businesses". The first workshop was held at Lahore PAAPAM head office on August 4, 2017, and Karachi office on August 9, 2017.
The faculty of the program was Prof. Parimal Merchant. He is the Director with S P Jain School of Global Management in-charge of the Global FMB – a distinctive 12-month management program for sons and daughters of business families. He has over 25 years of association with Management education from which 20 years specializing in the area of creating specialized programs adapting management education to the context of Family Managed Business. He is an advisor to the Asian Institute of Family Managed Business, which is a non-profit initiative to get sons and daughters of family businesses excited to join family business at a young age. He has been involved in profit improvement consultancy projects for nearly 30 years and has been involved with nearly 100 companies - both SME as well as corporates.

A group of 53 participants from PAAPAM member companies attended the workshop in Lahore and 15 participants from member companies attended the workshop in Karachi. All CEOs were present along with their second and third generation successors to fully benefit from the teachings of Professor Merchant.
Mr. Iftikhar Ahmad, Chairman, Skill Development Centre, PAAPAM said that this workshop was organized to motivate and guide the next generation of CEO's to be equipped with information, mind set and tools necessary to take the company to new heights. Mr. Mashood Ali Khan, Chairman, PAAPAM emphasized the importance of family businesses and commented that Family owned small businesses are the backbone of our economy.