IBA-CEE Hosted Workshop on Service Oriented Professional

Center of Executive Education (CEE) at IBA hosted a two-day workshop on 'Service Oriented Professional' held on September 19 & 20, 2019 at IBA City Campus. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Shuja Shams. Mr. Shams is a management development & HR consultant and also a certified Ken Blanchard Trainer. Mr Shams has more than twenty years of work experience, primarily in HR and Operations Management.
Following were the learning outcomes for this workshop participants after attending this workshop:
- Understood the concept of Service Orientation.
- Learned the fundamentals of Service Orientated Mindset for developing and implementing a Service Oriented Behavior.
- Now have an in depth understanding of a Service Excellence Framework that is required to practically implement Service Excellence at their workplace.
- Learned the required interactive skills that support the Service Excellence Model.
- Learned how to practice to adopt and implement Service Excellence Mindset, Framework and Essential skills at work place by developing a Self-Analysis and Gap Analysis based Action Plan to achieve Service Excellence.
- Participants are able to apply the learning of the workshop at the workplace by using the post training job aids tools provided during the training.
Testimonials by the participants:
Course is essential for every person involve in service business.
Syed Yasir Abdali, Assistant Manager, HBFC
Amazing session, related with topic and very practical and common issues in personal & professional life was discussed.
Naila Shakeel, Manager, Orient Mudarba
It was a great experience, very supportive staff and they are professionals.
Syed Ali Hasan, Office Assistant, Orient Mudarba