Diploma Awarding Ceremony for Executive of Atlas Group

For the Fourth time Centre for Executive Education (CEE) held Atlas Diploma Awarding Ceremony on August 17, 2016 in IBA JS Auditorium, Karachi. Dr. Farrukh Iqbal (Dean & Director IBA) and Mr. Yousuf H. Shirazi, (President Atlas Group) along with Dr. Izhar M. Hussain, Director Center for Executive Education IBA, and Mr. Bashir Makki, Group Director HR awarded certificates to the graduating executives of Atlas group. It was a moment of great honor to see that the first position holder is a woman, Nida Irfan.

The journey of IBA-Atlas started with the first batch of DBA in 2010. Initially Atlas conducted diploma with LUMS and had collaboration with other institutes but gladly in 2010 with IBA they found common grounds to explore. IBA designed courses as per their business need. It is worth appreciating that students who were in the first batch, most of them have been promoted to at least (4) four grades in the last six (6) years. Some of them have been promoted to General Manager Position which does not happen naturally. Participant's performance is necessary criteria and Atlas provides the opportunity to excel both within and outside the organization, provide international trainings, and job rotation options.