Professor Dishan Kamdar, (PhD. National University of Singapore) Senior Associate Dean, Indian School of Business.
Dishan Kamdar is Professor of Management in the area of Organisational Behaviour. His primary research interest is contextual work performance and extra-role behaviours. A successful entrepreneur, he pursued his Masters in Management because he was intrigued by the theory behind his practice.
Professor Kamdar believes that, "Negotiation and communication skills can grow businesses substantially." His research establishes that "Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) can make a substantial difference to an organisation's bottom line."
His research interest in extra role behaviour includes both 'promotive' and 'prohibitive' behaviours like OCB, knowledge sharing, voice and whistle blowing. Five of his papers have been published in the recent past in the Journal of Applied Psychology,a top tier journal in the Organisational Behaviour area. Professor Kamdar has presented papers at a number of major conferences. He has also co-authored A Handbook on Organisational Citizenship Behaviour: A Review of 'Good Soldier' Activity in Organisations.
Prior to joining the ISB, Professor Kamdar was teaching at the National University of Singapore. He received his PhD and MSc degree in Management NUS, Singapore. He is a member of the Academy of Management and also of the Society of Industrial and Organisational Psychology.
Professor Kamdar has repeatedly won the Best Professor Award at ISB's PGP programme. He has been teaching the "Negotiation Strategies" programme at ISB for more than six years. Professor Kamdar has taught in numerous customised programmes on Negotiation Strategies for some of the top companies such as Ernst & Young, Royal Bank of Scotland, Vodafone and Ericsson to name a few.