IBA - Center For Executive Education

Managing Sexual Harassment, Violence, and Bullying in the Workplace - Jan 22-23, 2016

Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Download PDF
Venue: CEE@IBA,Karachi Reg Form
Info: ceeinfo@iba.edu.pk  
Contact: Tel: (0213) 8104700 (Ext:1804, 1807, 1809)  
  • Introduction

    Humans have a natural tendency to go astray, whereby they end up breaking norms in an illegal, unethical or non-traditional manner. In particular, co-worker Sexual Harassment, workplace Violence, and Bullying of colleagues are widespread organizational practices that tend to make the work environment toxic. The victims don't have the necessary sense of security and peace of mind to work productively, and resultantly the damage is not just to the person but the whole organization. This Workshop aims to apprise the participants about the psychological, cultural and organizational dimensions of workplace-related offences. Additionally, they will be introduced to the necessary policies and best practices that have stood the test of time in countering workplace offences.

  • Audience
    • Human Resource Directors and Managers; Senior Managers; Project and Team Leaders; Human Resource Officers; Administrative Heads of Units.
  • Faculty
    Dr. Shahzad Shafqat:

    has a PhD in Social and Developmental Psychology from Cambridge University, UK.

    He has conducted research with International Agencies, Governments, Militaries and the Corporate sector extensively, and has lectured in dozens of countries across four continents.

    He has been part of several local and international Universities in the past, and has also served with the Pakistan Air Force. Over the past two decades, he has specialized in multiple domains of psychology including: military, clinical, criminal, human resource, social, and developmental. He is currently Assistant Professor at the Social Science and Liberal Arts Department of IBA, Karachi.

  • Topics
    • Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
    • Workplace Violence
    • Organizational Bullying
    • Psychological and cultural dimensions of offensive behaviour
    • Ethics, Morality and Legality of violations
    • Organizational policies and frameworks
    • Punishments and reprimands
    • Reconstruction of organizational culture
  • Learning Objectives
    • •Develop a comprehensive understanding of workplace offences
    • •Learn to establish a reporting line: How, When, and to Whom should violations be reported
    • Appreciate the importance of staying calm and judicious in giving all concerned parties a fair say
    • •Learn to institute policies and frameworks to counter misbehaviors and avoid repetitions
    • Work towards regeneration of a healthy organizational environment
    • Inculcating best practices at all ranks from hiring-to-retiring
  • Workshop Fees
    PKR 35,000/participant

    Inclusive of Course material, IBA Workshop Certificate, Lunch, Refreshments & Business networking

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