Webinar on Facing Adversity, Thinking Ahead

The IBA CEE Family Managed Business Program organized a webinar on "Facing Adversity, Thinking Ahead", which was held on 11th April, 2020.

This webinar was conducted by Hiten Muchhala Professor of Strategy, SP Jain School of Global Management, Prof. Hiten has 29 years of work experience in his family business and he has been teaching for the last 8 years at SP Jain Global, Family Managed Business Program.

During the webinar Prof. Hiten presented a 7 step framework for Family Businesses to deal with the current crises.

Ms. Aysha Anas Iftikhar, Academic Director Family Managed Business Program and Mr. Mohsin Adhi visiting faculty IBA, were join hosts for the webinar.

The next webinar will be conducted by Prof. Enrique Soriano, IFC Family Business Governance Consultant and is scheduled for April 18th, 2020 at 11:00 PST.

Interested family businesses may register at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScKFk1qt_3Yg1cWl75IQ8WD1eAeu5c6LaKVILFrx-u3Z-tyEQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1
